Whether focused on informing or selling, Internet articles should be short and written in active voice.
Writing for the World Wide Web requires knowledge of your target audiences' online behavior and consumption habits. Studies show that online visitors scan articles, rather than read them word-for-word, according to a "Groundwire" article "Writing Online: Best Practices." The amount of time people spend reading online is significantly shorter than when reading in print, so Internet articles must be succinct. However, benefits like online sharing through email or social networking sites allow Internet articles to be replicated multiple times within a short time span. With a computer and Internet access, nearly anyone can become an online author and generate web content.
1. Gather your research. Utilize online references and online or offline sources like books, newspapers, magazines and academic journals. Consider using first-person interviews to supplement second- and third-person sources. Read through and choose which of your materials you want to use in your article.
2. Start drafting your article. Begin with an overview that provides a synopsis of the main subject or topic of the article. Introduce your point of view at the beginning of the paragraph to capture the attention of your audience. Consider using relevant statistics or quotes that help set the tone of the article for the reader and grabs his attention.
3. Illustrate your article with details that paint a picture of the message you want to send and break long paragraphs into sections set off with headings and subheadings. Utilize numbering and bullets to outline content that supports your statements. Use bold font for important phrases you want to emphasize.
4. Use words familiar to a wide audience. Avoid jargon or language understood by only a small group of people. Refrain from using abbreviations or acronyms.
5. Populate your article with keywords that you would expect web visitors to use to search for your article. Place the most important keywords in the headline and first paragraph. Make sure that PDF documents posted on the web page are unlocked so that web crawlers can pick up search terms. Hyperlink your article to related websites to increase visibility in web searches.
6. Include contact details or further instructions for readers who may want additional information. Add widgets to social media websites that will increase the chances of your article being shared and published by consumers and businesses.
Tags: your article, Internet articles, article with, Consider using, your article with