Get into the health care field by stressing your fundamental abilities.
Even with a health-care-related degree, getting into the health care field can prove tricky. It's a common dilemma that once you receive your degree, many of the job opportunities that become available in your field require previous experience. Learn the tricks to catching the eye of potential employers even if you lack real-world experience.
1. Design a functional resume. Functional resumes highlight your accomplishments, not just your job history. Instead of writing that you have a degree in nursing, state your skill set and achievements. For example, you can write, "Complete knowledge of medical nomenclature and terminology," and "Effective multi-tasker with superb people skills."
2. Stress your fundamental abilities. It is easier to teach technical skills to new employees versus "core competencies," such as ambition, leadership, problem-solving, multi-tasking and motivation. These skills are not something you learn, but something inherent in you.
3. Volunteer. Whether you are working as a greeter or candy-striper at your local hospital, volunteering is a great way to wiggle into the healthcare field. Not only are you getting to know potential colleagues--should you be hired in the future--you are getting a bird's eye view of what it would be like to be employed in your current field. Excel as a volunteer and hospital administrators will take notice.
4. Offer incentives. If you are at an interview and you can sense that the potential employer is still hesitant about hiring you due to your lack of experience, offer enticing, money-saving incentives. For example, offer to work for less than the standard hourly wage for your position--at least for the first year or until you can meet the experience requirements stated in the job description.
Tags: care field, fundamental abilities, health care, health care field, into health