Friday, December 26, 2014

Send Credits On Imvu

When you create an IMVU account, you create a virtual, animated avatar that you can use in 3-D chat rooms. If you want to purchase new clothing, hairstyles, accessories, rooms, furniture or poses for your avatar, IMVU sells credits you can use to buy these items. IMVU also lets you send the credits you purchase or earn to another user as a gift. You can send as many credits as you have in your account, and you can also include an optional email greeting.


1. Use your Web browser to navigate to IMVU's website. Sign in with your account's email address and password.

2. Click the "Credits" menu located below the IMVU website logo, then select "Give Credits."

3. Type your IMVU password under "Account Password Confirmation." Type the name of the avatar to which you want to send credits next to "Pay To," then type the number of credits to send next to "Give Credits." Type an additional email greeting under "Email Greeting," if desired.

4. Click "Give" and then "Yes, Confirm the Credit Transfer" to send the credits to the selected avatar. Click "Back to Store" after you receive a confirmation of the transfer.

Tags: Credits Type, email greeting, Give Credits, Give Credits Type, IMVU website