Friday, January 9, 2015

Advertise To Teens

Advertise to Teens

Advertising is a very effective way of making your product known to consumers. It's important, however, to advertise to the right group of people. If teens use your product, it will need an advertising style of its own specifically targeting the teen audience. Teenagers respond well to specific types of advertising and if you follow these steps, they will respond well to yours as well.


1. Know your market. Teens in different areas of the country will have slightly different likes and dislikes. For instance, hockey or soccer may be a big draw in one community, and have little or no interest in another. Know what the local teens enjoy and advertise accordingly.

2. Understand that teens have a shorter attention span than adults. When you advertise to teens, get your point out quickly and in an exciting way.

3. Use tools and props that keep teens interested. Talk to them from their playing field and by their rules and use items they recognize and enjoy. Trying to talk like them or mimic them will only turn them off, but showing activities they enjoy sparks their minds eye.

4. Make your product or service seem obtainable. Most teens have limited funds, and know where they want to spend long before they see your advertisement, so you need to convince them to spend with you.

5. Speak to teens with respect when you advertise. Unless your product is new, most teens don't want to learn about it from you. Convince them that it is what the other teens choose, and they will follow them and respect their opinions first.

6. Show the ideal situation in your advertising, with current fashions and styles, and everyone happy, so that teens can imagine themselves in that perfect situation. Play into emotions in ads to get teens to connect with your advertisement's characters and product.

7. Look and sound good, using popular music, animation, excitement and if possible, star power. These proven techniques keep kids paying attention to an ad and help them to remember the product.

8. Repeat information many times, and provide facts and figures to give your product or service more credibility.

Tags: your product, product service, respond well, teens have, teens your, that teens, they will