Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Find Package Shipping Rates From The U S Post Office

Find Package Shipping Rates From the U.S. Post Office

The United States Postal Service (USPS) offers a variety of package delivery service options that you can use to send packages within the United States and internationally. USPS shipping rates vary depending on the weight of the package, delivery location and the delivery service option selected. USPS offers an online postage calculation tool that allows you to determine the actual shipping rates based on your selection.


1. Go to the online USPS calculate postage tool (See Resources).

2. Select the "Calculate Domestic Postage" option for domestic packages or select the "Calculate International Postage" option for International postage.

3. Enter the destination for your package. For domestic packages, select the "United States" from the drop-down menu. For international packages, select the country where you will send the package. For domestic packages, enter the Zip code you will send the package from and the ZIP code you will send the package to.

4. Enter the approximate date and time you will send the package. This information will not affect the postage rates, but will affect the estimated delivery time that appears on the price results page.

5. Select the USPS flat-rate delivery option you will use to send the package. Click on the "?" icon located under each mailing option for detailed information about that flat-rate delivery option. If you don't want to use a flat-rate option select the shape of the package you will send from the "Select Shape" subsection.

6. Enter the weight of the package in pounds and ounces. If you selected a flat-rate mailing option, you will not enter the mailing weight of the package.

7. Click the "Continue" button to display detailed pricing information. This detailed pricing information will include several mailing options. Generally, prices increase for faster mailing services.

Tags: will send, send package, will send package, domestic packages, packages select, United States, weight package