Quality control means competent employees all working for the same goal.
Quality control includes providing clear instructions for personnel, controlling performance and keeping orderly records. According to Six Sigma, the three main elements of quality control are controls, competence and personnel. These elements are integrated and, when controlled properly, help a company perform successfully and efficiently by providing quality products and services.
The first element of quality control is personnel. Quality control begins with placing the right people in the right jobs. This element focuses on giving all personnel clear goals and holding them accountable for their work. Clear job descriptions and performing employee evaluations on a regular basis are important. Companies also emphasize that a key component in quality control is emphasizing that all personnel must realize they are working towards the game goal.
All employees must be competent in the jobs they are performing. They must have the appropriate knowledge, skills and qualifications to effectively complete a job. Many companies offer employee training and resources to assist in achieving this vital element of quality control.
Controlling the quality of goods and services includes good record keeping habits and regular audits. Quality control involves producing the highest quality goods that customers want, in the most efficient manner possible. Record keeping is a vital tool for this element. Companies need to know where revenues are coming from and where costs are incurred. Regularly scheduled audits help companies provide this knowledge. An audit is an assurance that the information contained in the company's financial statements is correct, with room for little deviation. Audits are also used to evaluate the company's internal control procedures, which are used to promote accurate financial recording and to avoid fraud from occurring.
Tags: Quality control, element quality, element quality control, quality control, quality control, quality goods