An ambassador may work on an international stage or perhaps at a college campus.
The term ambassador is usually reserved for a professional involved in diplomacy, representing a nation and its interests on an international scale and based in a foreign country. Yet while many ambassadors fulfill this role, the job title can also be given to individuals who represent organizations such as professional bodies or institutions. These include student ambassadors representing colleges, for example. Ambassador work is thus multi-faceted.
Build Profile
An ambassador helps to establish, develop and maintain the public profile of the organization she works for. In some cases, the ambassador's role may be as simple as being present at important events, such as noteworthy conferences and exhibitions, in order that her organization gets noticed and continues to offer a public face. Other ambassadors will need to take their organization and its work into the lives of those potentially interested in or affected by the organization, but who don't know much about it. An ambassador for a type of scientific company for example could travel to schools and give presentations, with the aim of inspiring the next generation of recruits to the field.
Represent to Interested Parties
In the case of some ambassadors, there's a need to not only reach out to the public but to represent the organization or institution to interested individuals. For example, an ambassador for a university would be required to attend regular open days, during which he'll chat to prospective students and discuss how his institution can help them in their education.
Public Diplomacy
Ambassadors are often called to address the public at events, and perhaps even at press conferences. The nature of the speech an ambassador gives will depend on the situation; an ambassador on behalf of the U.S. government may need to comment during his speech on recent events in the country of his work, or could need to address U.S. foreign policy.
Encourage Principles Abroad
An ambassador is a representative of the values and policies of the organization or government she works for; a U.S. ambassador to a foreign country, for example, is the representative of the U.S. president in that place. The ambassador is therefore involved in work to encourage others, whether the populations of foreign countries or prospective students, to take up the principles endorsed by her employers.
Look After Individuals
An ambassador has a requirement to look after those she represents, and this aspect of her work will vary considerably depending on her employers. A U.S. ambassador to a foreign country might be a port of call for Americans living in that country who are experiencing concerns, while a student ambassador may be required to liaise with individuals with issues relating to their college career.
Tags: foreign country, ambassador foreign, ambassador foreign country, prospective students