Individuals engage in personal fund raising activities for many reasons. Oftentimes funds collected go towards financing education, mission trips or school projects. While the trend may be towards incurring debt to achieve personal goals, asking for help may be a great way to gain the support of others and avoid the financial ruin that can sometimes result from owing too much money.
Write Down Your Goals
Anybody who helps you finance your goals will want to understand what you are working toward. You need to write down the reason you are seeking funds, what your overall fund-raising goal is, and outline exactly how the money is going to be used. When people understand that the $50 they are donating will go toward purchasing the plane ticket for your missions trip, they will feel good about their contribution. You should also be willing to do something in return for the funds given to you, whether it is correspondence through letters, emails or hosting an informational session for those who are helping you.
Participating in a sale is one way to raise money for your goals. You could have a yard sale or bake sale with proceeds going toward your goal. You might also consider getting some friends to help you put on a car wash or snow shoveling service for a day.
Sponsorship is a wonderful way to get money for achieving your aims. You can use your informational sheets to ask people in your family, church or community to contribute a small amount of money to help you reach your goals. Consider creating a graph so that you can show people how much money you have raised and how much more you need in order to reach your goals.
Your local church or other community organization may be willing to host a benefit for you if they think that your goals or cause is worthwhile. Talk with your pastor and other important community leaders and show them information about what you are trying to do. Be willing to help do the footwork in order to make your benefit happen. You will need to be willing to do something in exchange for the benefit, such as keeping your grades up, teaching a class about your mission work or writing an article for the church newsletter.
Tags: your goals, much money, reach your, reach your goals, willing something