Balloons draw attention to launch events.
Launch events are carefully planned marketing tools, designed ultimately to increase revenue in business. An organized product launch event boosts the image of a product, service or establishment. Launches provide a stimulus that encourages the public to make a purchase, join or enroll. Event ideas such as mass mailings to generate interest, a countdown to the event, bold, bright, decorations and opportunities to win prizes and free gifts, bring interested consumers together.
General Promotion
A promotional sale as part of a launch.
A general promotion does not culminate in a specific launch event, but takes place over a period of time. It is a campaign that draws attention to a product by people who frequent an establishment for its other services and generates new interest. A general promotion includes a combination of specific, small, events such as an informal open house, an advertised invitation to a free class or trial, a day when current customers are invited to bring guests for freebies or an ongoing sale.
Hospitality Event
Free food generates interest.
Good hospitality is a powerful tool. As part of a launch promotion, a hospitality event can be a dinner for sponsors or a breakfast for members. A simple tray of sweets and water or coffee, followed by a tour of the site, can be an effective promotion.
New Product Promotion
Launching a new product on a particular release date, is a marketing push to build excitement and energy around a product. "A push promotional strategy makes use of a company's sales force and trade promotion activities to create consumer demand for a product," according to Tutor 2 U. Advertising is the most likely promotional tool for a new product launch including direct mail marketing and heavy advertising at the host site.
Tags: general promotion, generates interest, launch event, part launch, product launch