Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Advertising Ideas For Fashion Boutiques

Advertising will get customers into your boutique.

If you run a fashion boutique, the success of your business is based on the amount of clothing and accessories you sell. To attract customers into your store, you need to advertise to get the word out about what you have to offer. Advertise through multiple channels to reach as many potential customers as possible, and be creative when you can to stand out from your competitors.

Newspaper Ads

Place an advertisement for your fashion boutique in a local newspaper, such as the Pennysaver. Include important information such as the store address, daily hours, phone number and your website address. Put a coupon in the advertisement to entice customers to come in for their first visit. This will give them an extra incentive to check out your store.

Direct Mail

Mail customers who live in your area a postcard about your store. Include information such as the names of some of the brands you carry, store hours, address, phone number, and website. You could also make the postcard double as a coupon. Allow customers to redeem it for a percentage off their first purchase, or to receive a free gift when they come into the store.


Make flyers to advertise your store. Grab customers' attention by printing them on brightly colored paper and using an image of your store logo. Include important information such as your store address and hours of operation. Hand out the fliers in front of your store, leave stacks of them in local colleges, ask for permission to leave them in neighboring businesses and post them on community bulletin boards.

Fashion Shows

Sponsor a fashion show event to promote your boutique. Hold it at your store if it's big enough, or rent out another venue, such as a hotel banquet room, if you need more space. Sell tickets to the event, and dress models in clothing from your store. This will show women in your area what type of clothing you sell in your boutique, enticing them to purchase some of the great outfits they saw on the runway.

Tags: your store, information such, your boutique, customers into, customers into your, fashion boutique, from your