Must you stay through lunch?
You have been invited to a business meeting and the host has included lunch on the agenda but you have other plans. Business luncheon meetings can be a way to network and build relationships with others, but there are times when it is acceptable to duck out early.
The Working Lunch
When you are invited to a business luncheon, if it isn't listed on the agenda, ask the host if the lunch will be a "working lunch" or if attendance is optional. If lunch is optional, ask the host if the meeting will reconvene (if it isn't obvious), so you'll be back on time.
Hosts often include working luncheons to allow meeting attendees to socialize and network with peers, vendors and customers. Use this valuable time to develop solid relationships and learn how you can work together on a mutually beneficial project. If this is the stated purpose of the working lunch, it's rude to leave early. If you must multitask, excuse yourself for a short time, explain that you have something you have to take care of and then come back as soon as you complete the task.
Other Obligations
Managers, supervisors, and executives often juggle multiple meetings simultaneously. Communicate with the host in advance to let them know if you are juggling meetings, dually booked, or will have to leave early. Advance communications allows the host to modify the agenda, if necessary, and communicate with others on the team any changes to the schedule or meeting expectations.
Unacceptable Reasons
Business luncheons are popular for many reasons. They are used for training sessions, customer meet-and-greet sessions, periodic reviews, staff meetings and for sharing general information. If the meeting is a training session, and attendance is taken at the end of the meeting, you must be there at the end to get credit for training. If the topic is your bosses' staff meeting, it's unacceptable to leave early. If the luncheon meeting is topical, it may be acceptable for you to only stay for your section of the discussion. If you're unsure, consult the host in advance and let them know of your intentions.
Tags: leave early, advance them, advance them know, host advance, host advance them, invited business, them know