Wednesday, September 24, 2014

"Girlsense" Cheats For Clothes

Buy clothes from other players' boutiques with G-cents.

"GirlSense" is an online game aimed at teenage girls that lets players design and market their own clothing lines. If you want to purchase the best clothes then you have to earn G-cents, which is the game's currency. There are several tricks and cheats that you can use to earn G-cents and clothes with minimal effort and time investment.

Invite Friends

The easiest way to make G-cents for clothes is to invite your friends to join GirlSense. To make the most money, invite as many people as you possibly can to join the game. Each friend that signs up from one of your invites earns you 100 G-cents, even if they never play the game. For each friend that you can convince to log in for a few moments and look at your boutique, you'll earn an additional 100 G-cents.

Multiple Accounts

An easy way to cheat your way to more money is by opening multiple GirlSense game accounts. GirlSense accounts don't require a valid email address, so you can create as many accounts as you like. You can visit your main account's boutique with each new account that you sign up for. This visit earns 100 G-cents for your primary account. Then you can purchase clothes from the boutique using the 500 G-cents that your dummy account receives upon signing up. Repeat this process with as many dummy accounts as you like to earn 600 G-cents per account.

Update Boutique

Updating your boutique daily is important for earning money, but the quality of your update is not important. Simply log into the game once per day and make any superficial change to the selection in your boutique. You're credited for 50 G-cents no matter what you do.

Play Minigame

You can also earn G-cents by playing the mini games included in the GirlSense game. When you play the "Bad Hair Day" game or the "More Bloons" game, you earn 175 G-cents for every 15 minutes of play. If you want to earn more G-cents for clothes without playing the games then you can simply start the game and leave it on in the background while you do other things on your computer.

Tags: earn G-cents, G-cents clothes, your boutique, accounts like, clothes from, earns G-cents