Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Financial Bulletin Board Ideas

Fill this board with useful financial information.

Personal finance can be a complex thing, and visual aids can sometimes help people better understand their options. Creating a financial bulletin board can be an effective tool for a financial counselor or accountant. A financial bulletin board can also be of use in a bank, credit union or school that specializes in training accountants or in teaching individuals and families better manage their financial life.

Financing Portfolio Theme

A financial portfolio theme is one way to bring home the importance of building a solid financial footing over your life in preparation for retirement and to be there when the unforeseen happens. Use images of people from various walks of life talking to a financial consultant or with their bank manager applying for a home loan or planning out their 401k or stock investments. You may want to hire models for brochures or posters or ask clients if they would agree to be photographed for this purpose. Of course, these images serve to attract the eye to the text message you include in the poster or brochure. Also, include articles clipped from financial magazines and newspapers addressing this topic. Provide a list of local financial counselors and services on the board as well.

Humorous Financial Theme

Another approach for your financial bulletin board is to develop a humorous theme to bring home the need for financial planning to avoid not so funny scenarios, like losing a house or not being able to retire. Choose an overall title for the bulletin board that expresses this idea, such as "From Riches to Rags." Use cartoon images that help illustrate the types of difficult circumstances that people often find themselves in to bring home the need for a well-thought-out financial plan. Look for public domain clip-art online that you can use for your financial bulletin board. You can arrange your clip-art and add text to a poster in a graphics program. Below each humorous tableau, you can add text that describes avoid the situation, as well as financial resources the reader can turn to for further information.

Financial School Theme

A school of finance can benefit from a bulletin board that helps to direct students to required classes for various degree tracks. Add small posters with information of degree track options including the job market (possible employers) for the degree as well as the standard starting salary. Use recent newspaper clippings from publications like The Wall Street Journal and Fortune Magazine as well as excepts from relevant government reports to point to hotly debated topics on your bulletin board, which students will find interesting and should keep up on.

Tags: bulletin board, financial bulletin, bring home, bulletin board, financial bulletin board, board that, bring home need