Professional resume writers are lucky people who get to pay their bills with the skills they've honed over years, but they're also doing a great service to their customers. The better the resume a person can submit, the better job a person can get. Before a writer can get the job, of course, the client must be made aware that the writer and his services exist. While there are tried-and-true ways to advertise, there are also innovative and interesting ways of doing so.
The Classics
Post signs with your information around college campuses. While you can do this effectively year-round, redouble your efforts during the end of the school year, when soon-to-be graduates will be focusing on getting a job. After hitting all of the outside message boards, post your signs on the inside of the academic and administrative buildings. Double-check the signs you post to make sure they are still there; replace wet or defaced signs.
Spend time outside government-run places where people get jobs. Local TV news anchors often do stories in places such as these; if you volunteer a little bit of time helping the disadvantaged with their resumes, you might be able to exchange this service for airtime or some other kind of advertising.
Make connections with people who can help you meet people who need resume work. Most colleges have a career center, in addition to an advising department. Leave business cards and signs in those offices, but try making friends with the counselors and secretaries, so when students ask for help, your name will be on their tongues. The same goes for government-run job centers. If necessary, offer a discount to help stir up interest in your services.
Maintain or participate in message boards on which people get help with their resumes. You don't want to give away too much for free, but the people who post on the boards are all possible contacts who may, after seeing how polite and accomplished you are, want to avail themselves of your services. The boards, for example, feature thousands of discussions among people who need resume help.
Encourage clients to mention you to their friends by offering them a cash bonus or free resume maintenance. The latter can be an attractive offer since keeping a resume up-to-date can be a big pain.
Connect with the National Resume Writers' Association, an organization dedicated to "promoting the highest standards of excellence in resume writing through certification, education, and mentoring programs." In addition to national exposure, you can participate in seminars that allow you to get tips from other experienced professionals.
Tags: message boards, need resume, people help, people need, people need resume, Resume Writers, their resumes