Make a Free Daycare Flyer
If you are starting a new daycare business, or need to drum up some more business for your existing daycare, you need to get the word out. One of the best ways to spread the word about your daycare is to post flyers around your area, particularly in locations where parents of young children are likely to frequent. If you have Microsoft Publisher and a color printer, you can make a free flyer that looks like a pro created it.
1. Open Microsoft Publisher. In Publisher 2003, open "Publications for Print" in the "New from a Design" taskpane. Click "Flyers" and then choose a flyer template from the gallery. In Publisher 2007, click "Flyers" from the "Publication Types" list and choose a design.
2. Click the sample picture on the flyer template and insert a new picture. Right click and choose "Change Picture." Choose a picture from file if you have a suitable graphic of your own, or choose a clip art option.
3. Select the largest placeholder text boxes by clicking inside of it with your mouse. Enter basic information that will catch the attention of a potential new daycare client. For example, you might advertise your rates, your experience, the ages of children for whom you provide care, and whether you are certified in first aid or CPR.
4. Click inside of a smaller placeholder text box and enter your contact information. You might not want to list your actual address, although included the nearest major intersection will help potential daycare clients decide whether you are close enough to their homes or businesses.
5. Change the colors of objects such as shapes in the template by right clicking and choosing "Format Object." On the "Colors and Lines" tab, choose the color you wish to use from the "Fill" dropdown.
6. Press the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+S" to save your daycare flyer. Print out several and start hanging them around the neighborhood.
Tags: flyer template, Free Daycare, Free Daycare Flyer, Make Free, Make Free Daycare, Microsoft Publisher, placeholder text