Friday, June 26, 2015

What Are Some Ways To Respect Cultural Diversity

The ability to respect another's viewpoint is crucial in today's world.

The word "culture" refers to a set of beliefs, methods of behavior and view of reality typically held by members of a particular group or society. In today's world, people of different cultures are often brought together in pursuit of common ambitions. To support progress, therefore, one must learn to respect the rights of others who live in service to unfamiliar ideas.

Respecting Differences

Identify any preconceived judgments that you may hold against people of another culture. This process of self-discovery may seem difficult to manage at first. A way to recognize personal bias is to observe how you feel in certain circumstances. At first contact with an individual of another culture, feelings of anxiety or inhibition may be indicative of hidden prejudices. Emotions like these can often seep out into daily interactions, stirring tension and stress among colleagues.

Challenge Your Thoughts

Look for counterexamples to any points of discrimination that you may have toward members of another culture. Many times, prejudices toward groups of people have little to no actual basis in reality. With a little reflection, you will likely be able to think of several circumstances that disprove any adverse judgments.

Look for similarities between yourself and others of different cultures. Each human loves, struggles, needs to belong, faces challenges and wants to provide a nurturing environment for his family. Finding points of agreement will help you effectively dissolve barriers to acceptance.


Remain mindful of your responses to others during daily interactions. In each case, consider the implications behind your words and actions. Continue to reflect on the consequences of your behavior and intentions that, perhaps, you were unaware of at the time. By doing this, you will receive valuable feedback that will allow you to take appropriate corrective action in the future.

Mutual Respect

Give others the same level of respect that you would wish to receive, were circumstances reversed. Doing so will cause you to view all others as individuals worthy of equal consideration. When you think of another's needs, you temporarily escape personal preconceptions about him. You, therefore, gain an empathetic understanding that can dramatically improve intercultural relations over time.

Tags: another culture, daily interactions, different cultures, today world