Monday, November 30, 2015

Fundraiser Decorating Ideas

Eye-catching decorations can help make any fundraiser a success.

Fundraising is the lifeblood of charity organizations, and without the money from these events their doors would close. That's why it's vitally important to do each and every fundraiser right, and decorations are a major part of making events a success.


Attract attention with big decorations.

The purpose of decorations depends on the type of fundraiser. If it's a tabling event, and donations depend on attracting people to the table, big decorations like groups of balloons can grab the attention of passers-by. For events like walks, runs and bicycling tours, people have already signed up and plan on attending, so decorations can be a little more low-key.


A picture speaks a thousand words and can tell people just what they're donating for.

For a truly moving display, integrate the charity's work with the decorations. For an animal rescue group, use large, glossy photos and posters of animals in their forever homes and caption them with the success stories. For a domestic violence charity, have some of the women who have been helped decorate shirts with their stories and hang them on a clothesline.


Make the decorations part of the fundraiser. A charity that is collecting books or clothes for children in need might ask a kindergarten class to paint some rain barrels that can be set up for people to place donations in. Those organizing a Halloween event might ask a class of art students to paint some pumpkins for centerpieces and then raffle them off.


Every donated component means more money for the charity's cause.

A fundraiser isn't a success if most of the money is spent on throwing it, so look for ways to get decorations donated. Ask local stores for donations of supplies and make sure to give them plenty of time to respond. Offer to include their logo, name and slogan in any programs or posters; free advertising is a good incentive for businesses to donate.

Tags: fundraiser success, paint some, with decorations