FNM is a weekly tournament held at gaming stores for the trading card game, Magic: The Gathering. Every week, exclusive alternate art foil cards are given away as prizes to the top players and sometimes additional prizes at the stores discretion. These promo cards are highly sought after. Competition is often fierce and challenging, but there are steps you can take to have the leading edge.
1. Research the rules further. Read up on the comprehensive rules to know every nuance. One integral rule that most beginners have a hard time understanding is the "stack."
2. Master the stack. The basic premise of the stack is that the last spell played at a single time is the first one to resolve. In other words if your opponent plays a spell and then you play a spell and in response your opponent plays a spell, there will be three spells on the stack. The most recent spell the opponent just played will be the first to resolve, followed by your spell, and then finally the very first spell that your opponent played.
3. Research the top decks for ideas. On magicthegathering.com, you can find deck lists for major tournaments such as the World Championships and Pro Tours. If you see a deck you like, you can buy cards online or trade for them from other players. As of 2010, some cards used in top decks can go for $20 or more. Many of these cards are essential to own because of their power level.
4. Play test against other players. Tweak the deck to fit your playing style. This might mean trading for or buying other cards. Ultimately, you want your deck to win on as consistent of a basis as possible. The more you play and understand how your deck works, the better. Practice makes perfect.
5. Hold spells back until after you attack unless you have good reason for doing so. Many beginner players play spells and then attack, but by holding back the opponent may think that you have a surprise in store for them. This will cause them to be more cautious with their blocks.
6. Study the top players and winning decks at your local FNM tournaments. Pay attention to what cards the winning players use and notice how the play the game.
7. Play non-sanctioned games against the top FNM players in your area. See what strategic tips you can learn from them. Pay attention to the content of their decks and the strategies they us.
8. Ask the top players questions relating to Magic strategy. Some good questions may be how did you get so good at the game, how can you tell if a card is good, what is some advice you may have to get better at the game.
9. Modify your deck so that for the next FNM you are prepared for the top players strategies and playing styles.
Tags: your deck, your opponent, first resolve, opponent plays, opponent plays spell, other players