Unusual promotional ideas can be modified to fit the needs of your business.
Unusual promotional ideas can help a variety of businesses build brand recognition among their target markets. Take advantage of creative opportunities that increase revenue when developing your marketing strategy. Unusual promotion ideas include some of the most effective ways to highlight products or services without exceeding your spending budget.
Public Pranks
Controversial jokes are unusual promotional ideas that can get media attention and force customers to talk about your business among their social network. Distribute press releases that announce your company's purchase of historic landmarks or major highways. Introduce a new name for the landmark that reflects your company in some manner. An automobile manufacturer can rename a historic landmark after one of its luxury vehicles during this type of public prank. You can also schedule these unusual promotional ideas to coincide with a relevant holiday such as April Fool's Day.
Cross Promotion Deals
Partner with a media company that will advertise your business to its audience members free of charge or at a low rate in exchange for reciprocal benefits. This cross promotional partnership will likely require you to fuse the media company with your products or services in some manner. Restaurants can create new menu items named after television shows that air on a specific channel in exchange for premium exposure during commercial breaks. Shoe manufacturers who name their products after main television show characters may also be able to set up a deal where the characters wear these items during key scenes in the script.
Ticket Holder Stamps
Purchase custom hand stamps that feature your company logo to use during an unusual promotional campaign. Some companies that sell promotional items or office supplies provide customized hand stamps. Form a deal with popular venues that will use your hand stamps for granting readmission to ticket holders during special events such as concerts and sports games. Popular venues include university auditoriums, casino showrooms, movie theaters and multi-purpose stadiums.
Tags: hand stamps, promotional ideas, unusual promotional, your business, your company, among their, media company