Thursday, February 5, 2015

Make A Website Available Offline With Ie 7

The contents of a web page are readily available even without an Internet connection.

You can view a web page or entire website even while not connected to the Internet. Additionally, you can share the information on the site between computers, which is particularly useful if one lacks Internet connectivity. To make a web page available offline with Internet Explorer (IE) 7 you must save it as a file directly to your computer; a website can be saved as a collection of individual web page files.


1. Launch Internet Explorer from the taskbar, its Start menu entry or its desktop icon. Navigate to the page you want to save. Click the File menu and select Save As to store the page to your computer.

2. Browse for the destination where you wish to store the web page. Note that the default saving location is within the Documents folder, under your local Windows profile.

3. Select how you wish to save the web page using the Save as Type field. Click the Webpage, Template option to save all graphics and frames. This feature saves all files separately in their original formats. Click the Web Archive, Single File option to save everything displayed within a single HTML-based file. Click the Webpage, HTML Only option if you wish to store the page without any graphics or frames. Click Text File if you wish to save only the textual content of the page.

4. Click "Save" to store the page offline for future reference. Click the saved file from its target destination to launch it in your default Web browser.

5. Repeat these steps for every page in the website that you wish to save.

Tags: store page, wish save, Click Webpage, graphics frames, Internet Explorer, option save, Save store