Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Promote A Website Offline

Promote a Website Offline

Although most people worry about search engine optimization, banner ads, and Google AdWords when it comes to promoting their website, it is also important to make sure you use offline advertising methods as well. This is especially important if you have a business which caters mostly to those in your local area. There are four great ways to promote your website offline.


1. Create a car decal or have your website address, logo or tagline painted onto your vehicle. This is a great way to promote your website because, every time you drive somewhere, you are exposing your business to countless new consumers, unlike other methods in which you may be advertising to the same people over and over again.

2. Post flyers in supermarkets, on telephone poles or other high-traffic locations. Make sure to include tear off strips, so that interested people won't forget your website address by the time they get home.

3. Place a sign in your yard, others' yards (with permission) and anywhere else the city will allow. This way you can promote to passersby with little effort. This is a simple promotion method that can reach large numbers of people.

4. Print up a business cards with your website address, logo and tagline, so that you can hand it out to everyone you meet. Some more creative ideas include: leaving stacks in public areas, placing them in books that are related to your services at local bookstores or by placing one in every envelope that you send out.

Tags: your website, website address, your website address, address logo, address logo tagline, logo tagline, Promote Website