A soldier in the United States Army may receive a promotion based on a number of criteria. One of these criteria is a system based on promotion points. Any soldier seeking a promotion must complete a promotion point worksheet. Promotion point worksheets are sectioned into three types, all of which must be completed before a consideration of promotion. The three types of promotion point worksheets are the initial, re-evaluation and re-computation. This is but one step in the process of Army promotion.
About Army Promotions
The Defense Authorization Act of Congress strictly mandates the number of actively serving soldiers at each level of the Army at one time. Congress also dictates what percentage of soldiers can be at each rank and level. This Act shapes the promotion process in that promotions can only be awarded when openings exist at upper ranks. When a highly ranked soldier or officer is promoted, a vacancy is created, and a soldier can be promoted into the vacancy. Another vacancy is then created by that soldier which must be filled, thereby creating another vacancy. This process continues until the lowest ranked vacancy is filled.
Promotion System
The Army fills vacancies through a three-tiered system of promotions: de-centralized promotions, semi-centralized promotions and promotion boards. De-centralized promotions give the authority of the promotion to the individual unit and its commander. These promotions are typically given to the entire unit at the same time based on time served. Semi-centralized promotions involve the unit in the promotion process, with the Army making the promotion decisions. For semi-centralized promotions, a system of administration points is awarded and tracked. For promotions in this category, enlisted soldiers must utilize the three types of promotion point worksheet.
Promotion Points
Administrative promotion points are awarded based on a number of categories. Duty performance points are awarded by the unit commander. They are based on competence, military bearing, training, leadership and responsibility. Points are awarded for awards and decoration received in service. Military and civilian education points can be awarded for education received outside of the particular unit. Military training points are given based on physical fitness and skills. All of these promotion points are tracked on the initial promotion point worksheet.
Promotion Point Worksheets
A soldier seeking a promotion within the U.S. Army will complete a promotion point worksheet in three stages. In the initial promotion point worksheet, all of the awarded points are recorded in two sections. Section A includes all points awarded by the commanding officer. Section B includes all points due to awards, decoration, education and achievement. Once a worksheet is submitted, a soldier can continue to add points to it at any time, provided the points total at least 20. If this is the case, the soldier will complete a re-evaluation promotion point worksheet. Section C of the worksheet includes an area for all re-evaluation and adjustment points to be recorded. A re-computation worksheet will then be submitted when all adjustments are final. The re-computation worksheet will provide the totals of the previous two worksheets, recording all awarded promotion points.
Promotion Boards
After having submitting his three promotion point worksheets, a soldier seeking promotion will sit before a promotion board. The promotion board consists of three voting members and one non voting member. The board will ask a number of questions and score the soldier on his responses, as well as on several other factors. His promotion board points are added to his administrative promotion points, and the total is reviewed in consideration of his promotion.
Tags: point worksheet, promotion point worksheet, points awarded, promotion points, promotion point, point worksheet Promotion, promotion board