You can send a birthday card along with the gift.
If you own and operate a business, then you might send your customers promotional gifts from time to time to keep them as clients. While customer profiles might be different, one thing everyone has in common is a birthday. Sending a promotional gift for the client's birthday will let him know you are thinking of him, while at the same time reminding him what your business has to offer.
Gift Cards
If your business sells a product, then you can send the customer a gift card worth $10 or for a free item at your location. For example, if you own a restaurant, you might send your customer a gift card good for a free cheeseburger that can be redeemed for 30 days from the date of her birthday. This will entice the customer to come to the location where she will probably spend more money on other food and beverages and will probably bring at least one other person along. The gift card should detail the address of your location, hours of operation and contact information such as email and phone number.
Key Chain
There are some items you interact with daily in life. One of those items is your keys. Therefore sending someone a free key chain bolsters the chances that he will place his keys on your key chain and be reminded of your business daily. The key chain should include your company name, logo, address and contact information. If there is room you might also add your company slogan.
Water Bottle
If your company deals with health and wellness, then giving a water bottle might be a good-quality promotional gift. The water bottle should have your company name, logo and contact information. However, because there is a good amount of space on the water bottle, you might add additional information such as facts about your business or products and services you offer.
Cookies and Chocolate
People often celebrate their birthday with a cake or some form of sweets. Give chocolate or cookies to your client. Design a box that has your company information including your logo, location and contact information. Then inside you can place a few cookies or pieces of chocolate. The advantage to this promotional gift is that people will be eager to enjoy the sweet treats. However, one disadvantage is that the moment they eat what is inside, they will likely throw away the box. Therefore, follow up with a phone call a few days later asking if they received the gift. This will give you an opportunity to speak with the client and tell her more about your business.
Tags: your business, your company, contact information, gift card, promotional gift, water bottle