Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Function Of A Promoter

Promoters should have a marketing background or be knowledgeable in basic marketing skills.

Promoters are in charge of raising awareness about an event, business or idea. They often are involved in all aspects of an event, including planning, marketing and sometimes even funding. Promoters use a number of resources and outlets to spread the word and get people to attend an event or take another action to support a cause.


Promoters often are in charge or work on a team that plans an event, such as a party, concert, business launch or sale. They often work to find the appropriate venue and negotiate a rental price. They also might enlist volunteers or other people to work at the event. Promoters also are in charge of booking entertainment for the event, like bands, DJs or other performers. They often serve as the liaison for the entertainers as well, booking their travel to and from the event.

Spreading the Word

One of the most important functions of a promoter is to spread the word about the event to get people to attend or participate. Promoters need to understand the target audience for the event, and use ways to reach the audience. For example, when promoting a concert, promoters often attend similar concerts in advance to pass out fliers to the audience interested in similar music. Or, to promote a business event, promoters might send emails to an industry target market or take out banner ads on websites visited by the target business audience.

Generate Excitment

A good promoter creates excitement or a buzz around the event to get people talking about it and help promote the event through viral marketing techniques. Viral marketing is a concept in which a message spreads from person to person, like a virus. So, a promoter must find an angle that gets people's attention and entices them to tell their friends or co-workers about it. For example, if a promoter is able to hire a celebrity to attend the event, that will generate buzz around the event and get people talking about it. Other ways to generate excitement include contests, giveaways and performances by popular entertainers.

Methods to Promote

Promoters can use a number of resources and methods to promote an event. Street promotion involves hanging posters in public places for people to see as they walk by. Promoters can also take out ads in local newspapers, magazines, TV or on the radio to reach hundreds or thousands of people quickly. Also, promoters can create a website about the event, or post the event on popular social media sites to reach people online. Promoters might also enlist their friends and family to help spread the word to their social networks via email, social media or word of mouth.

Tags: about event, event people, spread word, They often, around event