Friday, March 27, 2015

Write A Good Letter Of Apology

Writing a letter of aplogy is necessary to repair some relationships.

When you do or say something you regret, you can rectify it, and perhaps even make things better than they were before, by sending a meaningful letter of apology. The offense may be personal or business, and might involve hurt feelings, being late, poor service or bad behavior. Reasons to be sorry vary, but good apology letters have one thing in common: sincerity.


1. Write the letter as soon as you can. The longer the delay, the more insincere your letter will seem.

2. Write the letter by hand if the offense is personal. Avoid e-mail or a typewritten letter unless the offense was a business one.

3. Write a few drafts to make sure there are no grammar or typing mistakes. Use high-quality note paper. Send the personal apology by mail.

4. State precisely what the offense was. Don't make excuses for your action. Don't blame someone else. State how you will make restitution if possible. State how you will rectify the situation so that the recipient will begin to regain confidence in you.

5. Consider a gift certificate or a replacement product if the offense was a business or professional one.

6. Use direct and simple language. Don't couch your apology in fancy words and phrases. Take responsibility for what you did. If you are sorry, say so. For example, if you are apologizing to a friend for speaking out of turn, you could say, "I chose the wrong words. I should have thought before I spoke, and I am sorry I didn't." For a professional letter you could say, "I am sorry I lost my composure during the meeting. In future meetings, you can expect me to be more professional and less emotional."

7. Arrange to meet soon so that you can reinforce your sincerity and apologize again in person.

Tags: offense business, offense personal, State will, Write letter