The tobacco plant was an early U.S. cash crop.
The United States once primarily exported agricultural products. Tobacco and cotton were major cash crops that our major trading partners in Europe could not produce themselves. By the early 1900s, however, manufacturing products began to overtake agriculture among U.S. exports. Though much of the country would still remain dedicated to agriculture, U.S. manufactured products would become increasingly widespread throughout the world.
Staple grains have long been a major U.S. export.
In 1900, more than 40 percent of the U.S. work force was still directly employed in agriculture. Major export crops included wheat, corn, oilseeds, soybeans, rice, tobacco and meat. At the beginning of the century, fruits and vegetables were too perishable to travel farther than local markets, but cold storage technologies and faster, more efficient shipping made it possible to export apples, grapes, cherries and certain vegetables. Though far fewer Americans are employed in agriculture today, the United States continues to export a large variety of crops.
Raw Materials
The United States was once the world's largest oil producer.
The United States was fortunate to have not merely some of the largest, most fertile agricultural land, it possessed large deposits of coal, iron, oil and other raw materials. In the early 20th century, the United States was the world's largest exporter of oil, but by the 1970s had become a net importer of oil. The United States was a world leader in coal export at the century's beginning and still is a net exporter, but is no longer the leading exporter of coal.
Manufactured Products
U.S. auto manufacturing led the world throughout the 20th century.
As the scale and sophistication of U.S. manufacturing grew, so did the demand for American products abroad. From simple apparel and mechanical products at the century's beginning to automobiles, TVs, refrigerators, and civilian aircraft in the 1950s, U.S. products were desired by the growing world middle class. Additionally, American arms products were increasingly sought by foreign militaries after World War II.
Computer software has become an important American trade product.
In addition to physical goods, the United States produced a variety of media products for world consumption throughout the 20th century. The American film industry dominated the world movie market at the beginning of the century and would continue to lead throughout the century. After World War II, American recorded music began to find high demand. By century's end, exported media products included TV programming and a variety of computer software.
Tags: United States, 20th century, beginning century, century beginning, employed agriculture, media products, products were