Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Hotel Pr Coordinator Job Description

Coordinating the public relations efforts of a hotel is a challenging job that uses professional skills in not only PR, journalism and marketing, but also event-planning, communications and writing within a highly-specialized role.

Responsibilities and Duties

A public relations coordinator for a hotel is responsible primarily for the conception, coordination and execution of a hotel's marketing and community relations plan. This will also include facilitating any campaigns or branding required of the hotel though press releases, media outlets, direct mail, advertising and marketing. They also track and maintain any media coverage whether print, television, radio or other and may act as the company spokesperson or act on the general manager's behalf.


Most PR professionals possess a bachelor's degree in some form of communications, marketing, or public relations. Degrees in journalism, advertising, and hospitality management are also acceptable.

There are numerous public relations associations available including those specialized for hospitality and hotel/motel communications. Accreditation in public relations or as a business communicator is available through Public Relations Society of America which establishes professionals as trained in ethics, professionalism problem-solving and public relations management.

Knowledge and Expertise

Public relations coordinators must be well-versed in both the public relations industry as well as the hotel/lodging field. The duties of developing marketing plans, advertising campaigns and budgeting accordingly must take both industries into consideration and requires skilled, experienced, outgoing personalities who can command the attention of both the desired media and the desired guests. A basic comprehension of lodging terminology and the hotel's sales strategies, in addition to an understanding of its preferred demographic, will aid in the conception and development of public relations campaigns.

Salary Expectations

Public relations can pay in the range of $38,000 to $65,000 but the average levels out at about $56,000. This can vary with location, experience, responsibilities and the success of sales campaigns and marketing wherein some coordinators are paid commissions for the amount of return on campaigns or for specialty events.


One of the benefits of working as a hotel public relations coordinator is the travel. If the hotel is part of a franchise or property management group, then coordinators should be able to visit the additional properties to better understand their offerings. The ever-changing audience of guests offers the opportunity to meet and work alongside many different people. Typically overnight stays are complimentary or offered at discounted rates for employees as well as their families.


Hotel public relations requires its staff to be knowledgeable in many different areas which can be overwhelming for some. Crisis management and relaying unfortunate news and events to the media is also required. This position may also include long hours and weekends.

Tags: public relations, also include, many different, public relations coordinator, relations coordinator