Direct mail
marketing can be a cost effective way to advertise your business if it's done right. Done incorrectly, you get a poor return for your money. Follow these steps to ensure that your direct mail advertising is successful and beneficial to your business.
1. Know your target market. You can have an expensive-looking advertisement with an amazing offer and get poor results. For example, most teenagers won't care if you just opened a new golf course and have a sale at your pro shop. Before you spend your money on marketing, you need to know the age group, gender, location and income bracket for your target market.
2. Decide what type of direct mail you want to use. Postcards are an inexpensive way to advertise and can be mailed for less postage than other mail. Letters work well for introducing yourself to a professional community. High quality brochures and flyers can be eye catching and have a better chance of being looked at rather than tossed in the garbage.
3. Get a list. With a list of addresses you can do your own direct mail advertising. You can buy lists from companies like Info USA, which sells business and consumer lists (see Resources below). A business list can be selected based on the type of business, the number of employees, the estimated sales volume and geography.
4. Advertise with a direct mail company. These companies generally mail an envelope with several direct mail advertisements from different companies. This type of marketing can cost less than advertising on your own. You need to consider how many advertisers are in the envelope and if any of them are in direct competition with you.
5. Look for discounts. Direct mail companies and printers often offer promotions to gain and keep clients. There are companies that have website coupons that you can add for little or no cost if you advertise in their direct mail packet.
Tags: direct mail, direct mail advertising, mail advertising, marketing cost, target market