Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Promote Business Online For Free

Promoting a business online can be one of the best moves that you can make as a small business owner or entrepreneur. Learn to follow these easy and simple steps to promote your business using the power of the internet.


1. The first step in promoting your business online for free is to establish a web presence. There are websites that let you set up and host a site for free. Examples include:,, and This will give you a web address to which you can direct your marketing and promotion efforts. Once your website and business have developed sufficient traffic, you can redirect your free website to a regular domain name and the domain hosts of your choosing.

2. The next important step is to develop a list of people that are interested in what your business has to offer. Perhaps the easiest way to develop this list of potential customers is to create unique and useful content on your website and then offer your online visitors an opportunity to subscribe with their email address for notifications each time you update your website. You could also develop an online newsletter and send it out to your mailing list. This offers your unique content and your business's offerings directly to your visitor's inbox.

3. Another step is to use the technique of article marketing to increase traffic to your website and business. Article marketing is a basic form of web marketing in which you create quality content related to your business in an article style format and then submit it to other websites that then syndicate this content around the web. These articles contain links back to your primary website and offer the interested reader an opportunity to visit your site and learn more about what your business has to offer. Good examples of article marketing websites include:,, and This is a good, free way to promote your business online.

4. Finally, the latest trend in promoting your business for free is to use social networking sites like,, and These sites provide a way for you to leverage the power of your personal and professional relationships to share the story of your business and offer your products to an audience that personally knows you. This method of marketing using social networking sites is akin to the old fashioned form of word of mouth advertising used so successfully by other small businesses before the advent of the internet. Using these sites you can send out tweets, post pictures and updates that pass the word to others about what you are doing with your small business.

Tags: your business, your website, business offer, business online, your business offer