Promotional strategy for events contribute to a successful showing.
When you're throwing an event, having the proper promotional strategy in place can be vital to success. With an objective of getting as many of the desired customers and clients at the event as possible, a solid promotional strategy will help you get there. There are certain steps you can take to increase the success of your event and make your promotion the buzz of the industry.
Plan it Out
The first step in any successful event promotion is planning out what you want to accomplish. This includes everything from the event itself, to the market you're targeting and what type of tactics you are going to use to get them there. Choosing a location, what the event is going to consist of (food, entertainment, etc.), how you are going to staff it, and contingency plans for weather are all important factors to consider. In this initial stage, creating a concept or theme around the event that you can use to drive marketing is another key consideration.
Create Tactical Vehicles
A tactical vehicle is the combination of two things: the tactics you want to use and the vehicles that you want to disseminate your promotional content with. If you chose local media as a tactic, you'd then need to decide what types of local media would work best for your event, whether that's newspaper, radio or television. The types of local media you land upon are your vehicles. How you communicate, or promote, your event depends as much on who your market is and on your budget. Figure out what your target market uses to get their information, whether its e-mail or social media, and develop your tactics and vehicles accordingly.
For events with a well-defined target audience, an invitation can be a highly effective way of getting an event on your audience's calendar. Aim to create an invite that is strategic as well as creative. With today's technology, invitations no longer need to be a major expense. The internet has made it easy to reach large groups of people with targeted promotional vehicles designed to capture attention and get a positive response. One important thing to remember is to include a date, a time and contact information.
Guerrilla Tactics
When you are throwing an event that deals with a younger, sporadic, or a crowd that may be hard to reach utilizing traditional tactics, doing something unexpected might be another option to consider. Flyers placed strategically in the area of the event in the days proceeding can draw a crowd. Using plane banners or creating publicity through the local news channels and in the newspaper is another way to draw attention to your event, and that publicity is, often times, free.
Tags: your event, event that, local media, promotional strategy, throwing event, types local