Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Juice Making Business

Lime and pomegranate juices

Juice making is becoming a popular business venture, especially with the high number of people that are getting into raw food diets and organic eating. This is a fun food business that can be quite lucrative with proper planning and investment. There are many options for starting a juice-making business, and many things to take into consideration before starting this type of venture.


You will need to use fresh, unique ingredients to have a successful juice-making business. Without premium produce and additives, your juice will not taste as good--the success of a juice business is built on the quality of its product. Produce is best bought from local growers. Not only will they give you the best price, but since your product won't have to travel far, you can be assured that you are selling a top-quality product. Also, you will be helping to grow your local economy.

Once you source the freshest and best-quality produce, you will need to get quality additives, such as protein and vitamin powders, bee pollen, honey, and seaweed powders. Some of these items can be bought wholesale locally, and others can be bought from specialty retailers.


You should work to develop exclusive, unique juice recipes to keep your existing customers loyal and to gain new customers. While it is fine to offer staples such as plain apple, orange or mixed fruit juice, customers can get that just about anywhere, and in most cases cheaper than at your juice store--you need to give customers a reason to choose your business. Try to come up with juice recipes that the average customer would not make at home or be able to buy from the grocery store.

Here are some juice combinations to try; all you need to do is give them a unique, catchy name: strawberry-kiwi; pomegranate-blackberry; green apple, carrot, grape; celery, green apple, cherry; pear-white grape; peach-pineapple; kiwi-lime; blueberry, strawberry, pomegranate; apricot-peach; blackberry-strawberry; blackberry-banana; grape-strawberry-tangerine; red grape and cranberry.


To start a juice store, you will need basic equipment: blenders, a juice press, hand-held juicers, mesh strainers, cups, cup lids, straws, napkins, long-handled spoons and an ice machine. These are essentials, but once your juice business becomes more established, you can add on optional equipment.

Try to buy the best quality, most durable equipment you can when starting out. If you opt for lesser-quality equipment just because it is cheaper, you may pay more for it in the long run. The higher the quality of your equipment, the less often you will need to repair or replace it.

If you can afford it, buy cups and napkins that are branded with your company logo so your customers can patronize your business and advertise for it at the same time.


If you want a juice business but are wary of introducing a new brand into the market, you can consider owning a franchise. There are many juice business franchises available. To own a franchise, you will need to have a certain amount of money and capital to invest in the new store, a certain net worth, a good credit rating, and you will need to attend several seminars and workshops just for new franchise owners. Of course, each individual franchise has its own specific guidelines. Here are some juice companies that offer franchises: Jamba Juice, Dairy Queen Orange Julius, Surf City Squeeze, Booster Juice and Fruitful.

Tags: will need, juice business, your juice, bought from, green apple, Here some, Here some juice