Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Study For A Banking Exam

Everyone who uses a bank trusts the organization not only with their money, but also with their personal information. That's why there are so many bank regulations. To ensure banks stay at the top of their game, regulators periodically conduct banking exams. If you're trying to prepare for one of these tests, help isn't far away.


1. Practice good habits. If you already follow protocol and have solid practices, you shouldn't have any trouble with the exam.

2. Understand common mistakes. Just as in history class where you learned that it's important to know the past so you don't make the same mistakes today, the same holds true in banking. If you understand what other banks do wrong, you're less likely to err in the same way.

3. Consider a study guide. These are available online and provide valuable information about what you need to know before the exam.

4. Hire a third party analyst to provide objective reviews. Sometimes, all it takes is an outsider to spot a potential problem.

5. Conduct your own pop quiz. Without warning the other bank employees, suddenly act like you're the regulator and conduct a mock banking exam. This will give you insight on improve for when the real exam takes place. It also reminds the bank employees that they should always be prepared.

6. Ask questions. Contact your regulator with any issues or concerns you have. Their job is to help you, so you shouldn't be intimidated.

Tags: bank employees, with their