Domain names for websites have become almost as common as a physical address. Businesses that handle the registration of a domain name are known as domain registrars. Here's obtain a website domain name through GoDaddy.
1. Click on the Internet Explorer icon on the desktop or taskbar and enter "" in the address bar in the browser.
2. Look for the words "Domain Name Search." Place the cursor in the textbox and type the first part of the domain name to register, without the ".com" or other extension, and then click the "Go!" button.
3. Choose any of the series of options on the next page, and then click the "Continue" button near the bottom of the page. Selections on the next page are optional. Click "Continue to checkout" or "Yes! Add these to my order" to proceed.
4. Create a GoDaddy account on the next page. Fill in the boxes and then click the "Continue" button to proceed. Once again, click the "Continue" button if all of the information is correct or correct any information as needed.
5. Make the desired selections on the options on the next page, then click the "Continue" button to proceed.
6. Check the final review page to ensure that all information is correct and all selections have been made. Then click the "Checkout Now" button, where payment information can be entered and the order is placed to finish the process.
Tags: click Continue button, Continue button, next page, then click, click Continue, then click Continue