Creative Retail
Marketing Ideas to Get Customers
Most retail businesses depend on walk-in traffic and a constant stream of customers to grow and profit. No matter the type of business, there are many creative marketing ideas to attract new customers for most types of retail establishments, including clothing stores, restaurants, beauty salons, professional services and auto dealerships. Many marketing techniques can be cost-efficient to assist managers with small marketing budgets.
Window Displays
Attractive window displays can help build the business brand and bring potential customers into the retail establishment. The key is an attention-grabbing, professional look. The display should be well-lit and clean. If you're selling vendor products, such as clothing or beauty supplies, most vendors will provide professional signage and posters to place in the windows. Some businesses change their window displays on a monthly basis, using the seasons and holidays as themes.
Events and Promotions
Many retail businesses use sales and promotions to attract new customers, such as holiday sales. Some businesses host happy-hour events and offer food and drinks while customers are shopping. Others give gifts to entice customers to buy other products. Contests, such as guessing games or free lunches, can be used to gather prospect contact information.
Internet Marketing
Basic websites are a popular, low-cost way for new customers to find a retail business. Advertising specials and providing store information are some of the primary uses for this type of tool. Email messages are almost always much cheaper to send than direct mail pieces and are a way to stay on the minds of past customers.
Marketing Communications
There are many marketing communication ideas to build brand recognition with potential customers. Some businesses publish newsletters with helpful information about industry news, as well as upcoming product launches. Writing industry advice or tips columns for local newspapers are other ways some owners and managers get their business names out.
Many retail establishments create an employee of the year or 1,000th customer award to gain free press for their businesses. Other businesses do charitable work and get press coverage.
Loyalty Programs
Many retail businesses establish customer-loyalty programs to gain more repeat business. Examples include "buy 10 and get one free" or some form of discount-card program for regular customers.
Local Networking
Some retail business managers use networking to build relationships with other local companies and gain new customers. Joining the local Chamber of Commerce or serving on local association boards are a common way to build brand awareness. Many small retail owners join professional breakfast clubs or web communities to meet potential clients, as well as learn about cross-promotional opportunities.
Tags: Many retail, retail businesses, Some businesses, attract customers, build brand, Creative Retail, Creative Retail Marketing