Monday, October 26, 2015

What Is The Relationship Between An Mba & A Jd Degree

Choosing an advanced degree program becomes easier once the differences are understood.

Many students who majored in business or business-related fields consider going on to an MBA (master of business administration) or JD (juris doctorate) program. In recent years, colleges frequently offer a joint JD/MBA program. If a joint degree is not in the cards or budget, however, choosing one over the other boils down to personal preference and necessity.


Students who go on to a JD program and acquire a law degree, are often qualified to work in many of the same fields as students who opted for an MBA program. However, possessing an MBA does not qualify a graduate to work in the legal realms under the same capacity as one who holds a law degree.

Career and Income Goals

Career goals should drive the decision. If a student wishes to practice law, then acquiring a law degree is the only option. It would also provide opportunities for work in business, marketing and sales. With an MBA, he can work in business, marketing, sales and so forth, but cannot practice law.

Educational Differences

To acquire a law degree, a student needs to spend three to four years in school and must pass the bar exam for the state(s) she plans to work. The JD is often a terminal degree. For a student to acquire an MBA, she must spend one to two years in school. An MBA degree is a terminal degree for some, but others may go on to a doctoral program.

Tags: acquire degree, business marketing, business marketing sales, degree student, marketing sales, terminal degree, work business