Loan officers live and die by the number of loans they write in a month. Most work strictly on commission and need to constantly have new business to maintain overhead. The good news is that loan officers have many natural targets to market their services to.
Real Estate Network
The fastest way to increase loan business is to network with real estate agents, the people who are helping clients find a home to buy. Often a person will start talking to a real estate agent before they get pre-approved for a loan. When real estate agents have someone they know will stay on top of the loan process, they will work with them because it means that everyone gets paid faster. Real estate agents are looking to work with people who are efficient and knowledgeable; demonstrate this and you will get more business.
Accessibity of Information
Create a website with a monthly email newsletter. A website with current interest rates and lending trends with an informational newsletter will gain credibility with potential clients and give existing clients a better reason to refer you or refinance with you. Use the relationships with real estate agentss to get current real estate trends and analysis. By working with a real estate agent, you may be able to split costs and build a team approach with clients that benefits everyone.
Offer Free Analysis
Everyone wants to get a better loan deal. Placing an ad that offers a free rate analysis d is a great way to get people in the door and develop a relationship with them. It may not be the first meeting that gets a sale, but it gives the loan officer the ability to get more people on the newsletter list and build a relationship. As with all types of financial sales, it is time that builds trust with potential clients.
Tags: real estate, estate agents, with real, with real estate, estate agent