Cake bake sales
offer both cake slices and whole cakes.
Cake bake sales are an enjoyable way to generate proceeds for a local charity or group. Promoting these kinds of fundraisers is based on enthusiastic participants and an eye-catching flier. Because these sales are a special kind of bake sale -- a cake bake sale -- you can use the flier to specify the variety of cakes that customers will be able to buy. Illustrations, photos and whimsical fonts will add appeal and draw more people to your event than will plain text alone.
1. Call the people baking the cakes for the sale. Find out what kind of cake each baker is bringing. Find out who is baking whole cakes, cupcakes and cakes for slicing.
2. Use a word-processing or graphic design software program to list the kinds of cakes that will be available at the sale. Select a whimsical, intriguing font for the list of cakes. This information should be eye catching but not busy or cluttered.
3. Add a large headline at the top of the flier. Use the same font you used to list the cakes. The headline can simply say "Cake Bake Sale", or you could try something more unexpected like "Have Your Cake and Eat It Too!"
4. List the time, date, day of the week and location of the cake bake sale. List what charity or group will be the beneficiary of the proceeds. Use a plain, simple font for this information. Make this information easy to read and understand.
5. Place photos or illustrations of cakes and bakers on the page. Use three or fewer images, as any more will clutter the flier. Use photographs only if you are going to print the fliers with color printing. Use simple, playful illustrations.
6. Print the fliers at a local printing or copying business if you are printing more than 20 fliers. Generally, these businesses produce a higher quality print and will cost less than replacing your own ink cartridge at home.
Tags: bake sale, bake sales, Cake bake, Cake Bake Sale, Cake bake sales, cakes that