Promotions and Special Event Promotions are the easiest way to make money and have fun at the same time. These jobs usually pay anywhere from $10-150 an event or more. There are many companies out there who hire freelance promotion representatives to work a number of events in a variety of fields including entertainment, radio, product launces and branding. It is fairly easy to find jobs in this field and can be a fun way to make extra money in a creative environment.
Find Jobs in Promotions and Events
1. Create a resume that details your experiences in promotions or working special events. If you have no experience in these fields, create a resume that details your work experience along with any special skills or expertise that qualifies you for the position you are applying for. Make sure to put your contact information on your resume so that potential employers can get in touch with you.
2. Take a recent photo of yourself or use your current headshot when applying for jobs in promotions and events. Employers want to see what you currently look like to make sure that you fit the job description.
3. Allow your personality to shine through when interviewing for these jobs. You must have an outgoing personality and the desire to netwrork and talk to the public. Most of these events require that you talk to as many people as possible, so you must be willing to talk to everyone.
4. Be flexible and return phone calls. You must have a fairly open schedule and you must get back to your employer. If you are called for a job, you must call back even if you cannot work. It is very important to be reliable and you must let your employer know that they can count on you to follow up with them. Don't apply for a position if you are not available for the duration of the event or promotion.
5. Contact companies who employ promotion and event representatives and let them know that you are available. There are many companies out there that hire freelance promoters and event specialists. You can find many of these companies online. A good resource is GC Marketing Services. They provide national employment and it is free to create a profile.
Tags: resume that, companies there, details your, Find Jobs, Find Jobs Promotions, hire freelance, Jobs Promotions