Help your kids keep their reading and comprehension skills sharp throughout the summer by creating a reading program on your own or through a local library. Once you've established the details, use promotional ideas to recruit participants and ensure the program is a success.
1. Generate fliers to hand out before the last day of school. Play up the program's fun theme and flexibility. Telling students they can read as much or as little as they want will appeal more to kids with summer fever than minimum page requirements.
2. Show off the reading program's prizes in the school or library window. Offer treats for different levels and make the first prize enticing and easily attainable to encourage more kids to sign up.
3. Hold events like storytelling, picnics and social activities in local parks where you'll attract an audience of kids unfamiliar to the reading program. Have details and sign up sheets on hand to enlist new members.
4. Start a blog to post about the program's rules, activities, prizes and the popular books that the kids are reading. Get parents' permission to post photos or names of the kids who have read the most books.
5. Print cute bookmarks with the reading program details, a contact phone number or your blog address, and ask local supermarkets to pass them out to moms shopping with their kids.
6. Ask the program's members to spread the word to their friends, relatives and neighbors. Award a small prize for each referral and give a grand prize to the child who encourages the most kids to sign up for the summer program.
Tags: reading program, kids sign, more kids