Effective blogging takes planning, effort and dedication.
Blogging, like any other form of writing, is most effective when its content enriches, informs or inspires the reader to some form of action. Blogs come in a variety of types, from the serious and straightforward to the humorous and aimless. Whatever your writing style, following a few tips will help you become a more effective blogger.
Blogging and journalism have a lot in common, including the importance of a good headline. Readers rarely read blog entries that do not contain an enticing headline. An effective blog headline promises some kind of payoff for the reader. For instance, a blog entry titled "How Eating Out Every Day Can Make You Thinner" will entice a reader who wants to lose weight to keep reading. A good headline should promise a benefit or reward or arouse curiosity. Since unread blog entries are not effective blog entries, the importance of a good headline cannot be overemphasized.
Follow Through First
Due mainly to copyright issues, most blogs do not use photographs or images, which makes your first paragraph even more important, especially in relation to the headline. The entry's opening paragraph should provide a solid verbal illustration of what the title has promised, perhaps with a story or attributed quote. For instance, using the "How Eating Out Every Day Can Make You Thinner" title as an example, you could briefly tell the story of Jared Fogle, who lost 245 lbs. in one year while eating at Subway every day. If your blog has copyright permissions, the picture that accompanies your blog entry can also lend credibility and solid proof of what the title promises. A solid opening paragraph and accompanying photo will effectively pull the reader further into the blog entry.
Internet readers are known for not reading online articles, including blogs, in their entirety. In fact, readers of online content are more likely to skim through your blog entry, stopping occasionally to read lines of text that catch their eye. This is why it's important for your blog entries to contain content that catches the reader's attention. An assortment of techniques and features can do this, including subheadings, bullet points, tables, bolded text and short paragraphs. Make sure these elements contain important information the reader can take with him or her. Keeping your entry short will also increase its chances of being read.
If your blog entry is going to motivate a reader to some kind of action, you'll need to follow a logical path that illustrates the point of your post. In other words, stay on topic, use statistics and proof that support your point of view and, above all, don't ramble. Doing this increases the likelihood your reader will sympathize with your position, though he or she may not entirely agree with you. Knowing your audience will also help your blogging become more effective. For example, if your targeted readers are stay-at-home moms, you shouldn't blog about the importance of two-income households.
Tags: blog entry, your blog, blog entries, good headline, your blog entry, become more, become more effective