Request a transcript from a school in Delaware by drafting a letter and sending it to the proper school authorities.
Requesting a high school transcript in Delaware requires the knowledge of where the transcript is housed, a valid identification card and a letter of request. Small school districts house their transcripts onsite, while urban areas have one main location. Transcripts may not be requested over the phone if they are for personal use; a faxed form or a letter is required with the proper identification attached. Transcripts requested for college admission require only a phone call or letter requesting the transcript be sent to the appropriate college.
1. Locate the address of the location where the transcripts are kept from your Delaware school. Phone the school directly and ask for the address or look the address up in a phone book or on the Internet.
2. Draft a business letter with your name, address, phone number and date at the top. Draft the entire letter in block format. This means the address, salutation, body of the letter and closure all begin at the left hand margin. Double space and add the Delaware school's name and address.
3. Double space and add RE:, which is short for regarding. Type the reason for the letter. Example: Transcript request for Joe Smith.
4. Double space and add the salutation. Example: To whom it may concern:
5. Double space and begin the main body of the letter. Example: This is a request for the transcript of Joe Smith. I attended East High in "city's name," Delaware from 2002 until 2006. My graduation date was May 29, 2006. Please send a copy of my transcript to my home. (Add your address.) I've enclosed a copy of my current driver's license to verify the validity of my request. If you have any questions, please phone me at (add phone number).
6. Double space and add the closure. Example: Sincerely, Joe Smith.
7. Include a legal size self-addressed stamped envelope in which your Delaware high school transcript can be sent to you.
8. Check with the school two weeks after mailing your request to ask how the process is progressing. Normal return time for transcripts is two to four weeks.
Tags: Double space, address phone, body letter, Delaware school, high school, letter Example