Effectively marketing your vacation property saves time and money.
Advertising a vacation rental property on a shoestring budget needn't be difficult if you are prepared to shop around, do some research and get creative with your computer. Identifying your target market -- and marketing your property accordingly -- simplifies the process and saves you from wasting time on unnecessary advertising.
1. Advertise by word of mouth. Tell all your friends, coworkers and neighbors that you have a vacation home. Ask them to spread the word, particularly among their out-of-town friends and acquaintances. People often choose to vacation in an area where they have friends and family -- and a personal recommendation can carry more weight than an anonymous ad.
2. Pitch advertisements at your target market. Being selective helps you to save money and increases your chances of securing a steady rental income. For example, if the area where your vacation home is located is popular with vacationers from a particular town or state, place a classified ad in a local newspaper or magazine that covers your target area. Placing a newspaper or magazine ad might be expensive initially but it could prove to be lucrative in the long term. Alternatively, make your own flyers using Microsoft Word, or another desktop publishing program, and distribute them in your target locations. The flyers should have a photo of your property, a listing of amenities, rates and your phone number.
3. Launch a website. Many Internet providers include free websites as part of their service package. Invest in a software program -- like so-called what you see is what you get, or WYSIWYG, publishers -- that will take the hard work out of creating a professional website. Include attractive, detailed pictures of your vacation home along with information about pricing and availability. Enlist the services of a professional Web designer if the idea of setting up your own website makes you nervous. Hiring a professional designer usually just entails a one-off fee and you could get a reasonable deal if you shop around.
4. Market your property on a vacation-listings website. Most sites charge a small fee or will allow you to display basic information about your property -- including rates and availability -- for free. Take advantage of free trial subscriptions offered by vacation property websites; this is a useful way to determine whether it is viable to sign up for a paid subscription. Alternatively, post a free ad on Craigslist or Oodle, including crucial details like the property's square footage, amenities and -- of course -- several photos.
Tags: your property, your target, vacation home, your vacation, area where