Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Theme Basket Ideas For Silent Auctions

Theme baskets attract many bidders at silent auctions. A variety of themes provides more opportunities to appeal to a larger group of people. Local businesses are often willing to donate items for the theme baskets.The donated items save money on the budget and provide the donating business with free advertisement at the silent auction.


A wicker picnic basket offers a unique container for a wine-themed gift basket. A picnic blanket can be used as a soft filler in the bottom of the basket. Include a few bottles of wine, a corkscrew, wine glasses and a wine bottle stopper in the basket. Use a local winery to provide the wine if one is available. Additional accessories for the wine basket may include a cheese board, wine glass markers or tickets to a local wine event.


Use a large popcorn bowl for the container of this themed basket. Unsalted and unbuttered popcorn provides a fun filler for the basket. Options for the movie basket include DVDs, gift certificates for movie rentals, tickets to a local movie theater and assorted candy typically found at a movie theater concession stand. The gift basket idea can be expanded to family fun night activities, including gift certificates for pizza, an ice cream shop, miniature golf or a local arcade.


Spa-themed baskets are always popular at silent auctions. A terrycloth robe or towel offers a theme-related filler for the bottom of the basket. A variety of lotions, body scrubs, bath oils and candles create the contents of the spa basket. Beauty accessories, including an eye mask, pumice stone or nail files, round out the contents of the basket. Add a gift certificate to a local spa to increase the value of the spa basket.

Local Attraction

A local attraction provides another theme option for a basket. Zoos, aquariums, museums or art centers are possible attractions for this idea. Find a local attraction that will support the themed basket for the auction. Include tickets for the attraction, as well as a disposable camera, travel journal and a gift certificate to an on-site restaurant or gift shop.


The popularity of scrapbooking as a hobby makes a scrapbook-themed basket ideal for a silent auction. A plastic craft container that can hold scrapbooking supplies serves as the container for this gift basket. Items for inclusion in the scrapbook basket include decorative papers, stickers, embellishments, acid-free markers, paper punches, edging scissors, photo corners and acid-free adhesive. A gift certificate to a local scrapbooking or craft shop provides extra incentive for potential bidders.

Tags: basket include, gift basket, gift certificate, bottom basket, certificate local