Once you have decided that you are ready to have a baby, the idea of waiting any extra time to get pregnant can seem like torture. While it is impossible to find a technique that makes instant pregnancy a sure thing, there are some techniques that may increase your chances of getting pregnant sooner than later.
Get a Checkup
Before you even begin trying to conceive, be sure to schedule a visit to your doctor. A checkup will help determine if you have any infections, sexually transmitted diseases or health conditions that may interfere with your ability to conceive or carry out a healthy pregnancy. A doctor can inform you about the benefits of taking prenatal vitamins that contain folic acid. She can also give you advice about getting pregnant if you do have any pre-existing medical conditions.
Understand Your Cycle
If you don't know when you are ovulating, getting pregnant can be tricky. Knowing the signs of ovulation, such as changes in cervical mucus and a slight one-sided abdominal twinge, can help you determine when you are most likely to get pregnant. If the idea of charting your cycle according to a calendar seems too involved for you, ovulation predictor kits and fertility monitors, according to, can also help you determine when you are ovulating. They test certain hormone levels in a woman's body and signal when her body is most ready to become pregnant.
Don't Fret
Consistent worrying about positions, specific timing, and thoughts of "I want to be pregnant right now!" may complicate your fertility. According to Toni Weschler, fertility educator on, stress can affect the hormones that signal a woman's ovaries to release eggs. It may cause ovulation to occur later than expected, or it may cause ovulation to not occur at all. Weschler noted that everyday stress may not affect ovulation but sudden stress may have a bigger role in causing complications with conception.
Lie Flat
Medical opinions vary regarding whether certain sexual positions have a notable impact on getting pregnant. However, Paula Hillard, M.D. and professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford University School of Medicine in Palo Alto, Calif., suggested that there are certain gravitational disadvantages to a woman standing or sitting upright after sperm have entered her body. She added that missionary position (man on top) may help encourage the sperm to pool in the vagina after intercourse. James Goldfarb, M.D., director of the infertility service at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, has said that lying flat (not even getting up to use the restroom) for 10-15 minutes after intercourse can help sperm enter the cervix.
Stay Healthy
Physicians across the board agree that drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes and doing drugs affect a woman's fertility. They also agree that a woman smoking, drinking and doing drugs during pregnancy can adversely affect a fetus. In addition to abstaining from unhealthy habits, it is important to develop healthy habits such as engaging in light to moderate exercise and avoiding stressful situations. Having a healthy body increases chances of achieving and carrying out a healthy pregnancy.
Tags: getting pregnant, help determine, after intercourse, agree that, cause ovulation