Friday, July 10, 2015

Design Product Packaging

Depending on the product, colorful polka dots is one of many design ideas that can be used for packaging.

Designing the right packaging for your product favorably impacts on its marketability. A customer's first impression of your packaging affects her decision whether to buy your product. Learn design a product package that is strong enough for shipment, while at the same time, attractive enough to persuade your customers to purchase your product and not someone else's. When you launch your product, you only want to design the best packaging for it.


1. Gather as much information as you can about the store where your product will be sold. Find out information about who will buy your product. Decide how much your product will cost.

2. Sketch a few ideas for your product packaging. Make at least 17 drawings.

3. Determine the structural design of your product packaging. Consider your product package size and shape. Make sure that the packaging would make it easy for your customers to handle your product.

4. Design your package cover. Prepare a layout that will show what you want your final packaging to look like. Take a few photos of it.

5. Select the photo you want to use in your prototype. Apply the photo to your packaging.

6. Test your prototype. Be sure that your packaging is strong enough to protect your product during shipment. Make sure that your packaging appeals to customers.

7. Buy registered barcodes for your product's packaging. The barcodes will allow your products to be scanned at the retail store's check out counters. Search the internet for various companies that sell barcodes.

Tags: your product, your packaging, product packaging, sure that, your product packaging