Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Creative Ideas To Sell Wine

Creative Ideas to Sell Wine

As an entrepreneur, perhaps you are trying to sell wine that is made at your family farm, fermented in your basement, or created by an outside company for you to sell and make a profit from. No matter where the wine is coming from, you'll need creative ideas on sell the wine. According to CrushPadWine.com, you must promote the wine in order to build demand for your product. Add this to my Recipe Box.

Modern Marketing

Use all of the modern marketing tools available to you. Hire a graphic designer, or use your own design expertise, to create a catchy label. According to LightningLabels.com, consumers are more likely to buy products with labels that relate to them as the consumer rather than the product. Create a label that consumers will relate to and will want to purchase. Get the word out by creating a website for your wine, and use social networking websites, such as Facebook and Twitter, to promote the product.

Wine Tasting

Host a wine tasting party in order to attract interest in your product in a fun, social way. Host the party at your house or in a rented venue. Invite close family and friends, and other wine enthusiasts from social networking sites or from around your town. Allow your guests to taste one new wine that you are marketing or a multitude of different wines. Provide snacks, such as cheese and crackers, and plan a few games that will get your guests to socialize and have a good time. Wine-Tastings-Guide.com suggests having the guests guess what type of fruits were used in the wine, where the wine was made, and how it is made. The person with the most correct answers could win a bottle of the wine.

Free Bottles

In order to spark the interest of local restaurants or stores, offer them a few free bottles of the wine. First, educate the owners of the restaurant or store on where the wine came from, how it was made, whether you have a patent on the product and how much you are offering it for. WineAndHospitalityNetwork.com suggests providing a pamphlet of information for them to keep. Once they seem interested, offer a few free bottles for them to use as a promotion of your product. These bottles can be used as a free sample or as a daily special for customers to try. If the customers enjoy the wine, chances are the restaurant or store will want more.

Wine Club

The world is full of wine enthusiasts, according to lCWine.com. That is why they created a wine club, which sells wine to an elite few instead of a mass of consumers. Once you host wine tasting parties or use social networking sites, you can form a group of wine enthusiasts that will stay loyal to your brand. Within this club, host parties where you educate them on new wines you are developing. Because this group will be knowledgeable on your wine, you can use their comments to improve your product.

Tags: your product, social networking, where wine, wine enthusiasts, Creative Ideas, free bottles