A marketing rep is usually the first point of contact between companies and prospective clients or customers.
Companies hire marketing representatives to represent them in promoting the products or services they offer. Marketing representatives are usually the first point of contact between a company and prospective new clients. A marketing rep's day-today duties vary. She may be in presentation meetings one day and spend another day prospecting for new clients. Marketing reps not only need to know their companies' products or services, they need to know their competitors' as well, and how they compare.
Customer Relations
Develop good customer relations skills. The primary function of a marketing rep is to maintain a positive relationship between the company and the clients assigned to him to manage.
Perform product presentations. Whether these are done one-on-one with potential clients, or to a broader prospective clientele at trade shows, marketing representatives are responsible for conducting presentations that show how the product works and how it would benefit prospective clients.
Sales Process
Complete the sale process, in which the marketing rep is involved from start to finish. This can include everything from completing paperwork to possibly helping the client arrange financing, if needed, and arranging delivery of the product or service.
Research new trends and developments both within your company and in the industry as a whole. A marketing rep needs to know the new products that are in development within her company and identify markets in which to place them.
Tags: prospective clients, between company, contact between, first point, first point contact, know their