Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Learn The Steps Of Marketing Planning Online

Marketing planning software is available online.

The best way to learn develop and implement a highly effective and executable marketing plan is to research a business's target market and create a marketing plan around the factors that distinguish the business, such as product, price, place of distribution or promotion. Every business---whether online or operating as a bricks-and-mortar business---benefits from having a sharp, solid and ambitious marketing plan.


1. Learn about the benefits of establishing an effective marketing mix. The Direct Internet Marketing Corporate Consulting (DIMCC) website defines "marketing mix" as the mixing of a variety of factors in marketing strategies.

2. Differentiate your online or bricks-and-mortar business with a distinguishable product or service. For example, distinguish your business as one committed to expanding technology processes through green initiatives. Visit the Bureau of Labor Statistic's website to obtain industry outlook and productivity data.

3. Create a messaging campaign around your business's products or services. For example, market a product's level of affordability or multifunctionality. Develop a promotional strategy that includes both online and direct marketing promotions. See the Resources section for a 15-page document issued by MissouriBusiness.net on market a product or brand.

4. Test how effectively your business's products or services address the consumer reality. Conduct market research to solicit feedback from members of your target market. Visit the Small Business Administration's website for a complete guide to conducting market research.

5. Design a pricing strategy. Analyze the price points set by the competition. Pinpoint a market average. Frequently, bricks-and-mortar businesses offer lower price points for purchases made online. Include this data as part of your pricing strategy.

Tags: marketing plan, your business, business products, business products services, market product, market research, price points