Thursday, November 13, 2014

Promotional Ideas For The Sale Of Gift Cards

Using promotions to sell gift cards can make a store a lot of money.

Gift cards are like pre-paid credit cards for consumers to use as specific stores. They are great ideas for companies because the sale of a gift card ensures that the recipient of the card will return to the store to make purchases, and may spend more money than he intended while there. Selling gift cards is difficult, but offering something to customers who purchase gift cards entices customers to buy them.


Offering a free gift with the purchase of a gift card is a great way to promote your gift card and entice consumers into buying them. The right kind of gift for this type of promotion is, ideally, practical. Gifts could include something small, like a snow globe or a teddy bear, or something more substantial, such as a blanket or a T-shirt. The type and size of the gift depends on the gift card and its value: a consumer buying a $200 gift card is more likely to be enticed by a blanket than by a miniature snow globe.


To consumer purchasing gift cards, you could offer a discount on their next purchase. This could include a set dollar amount, like $10 or $50, depending on the value of the gift card, or a percentage, like 10 percent or 15 percent. You can establish limits, such as 10 percent off a future order of $50.00 or more. Consumers appreciate monetary rewards, and offering a discount on a future purchase ensures that the customer will return to make that purchase. Ensure that the discount that you offer cannot be used on the same day that the gift card is purchased.

Rewards Program Membership

You could offer customers a free membership into some sort of rewards program with your company. The rewards program, ideally, should be the type of program that offers discounts to customers after they spend a certain amount of money in the store. A free membership into a program like this ensures that the customer will return time and again to shop so that they may accrue rewards that they can use to shop some more.


You could promote your gift cards by giving customers the opportunity to be entered into a drawing for a large item, such as concert tickets, a lawn mower, or a gift certificate to an upscale restaurant. For example, you could tell customers that they can receive one entry for every $10 or $20 that they spend. This encourages customers to spend significant amounts of money on gift cards so that they may participate in the drawing.

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