Thursday, March 5, 2015

About The Social Responsibility Of Internet Cafe Businesses

Giving Internet users unlimited computer access in an anonymous setting can encourage illegal activity.

An Internet cafe provides Internet and computer access in a coffee shop or computer lab environment, charging by the hour or minute. Often serving food and drinks, Internet cafes are visited by gamers, students, professionals, and people who don't own a computer. Because the Internet provides easy access to all kinds of information, games, and media, it's the responsibility of cafe owners to reduce the harm the Internet could cause if unrestricted access is provided to all customers.

Computers and Society

As owning a computer increasingly seems like a necessity, since society relies heavily on Internet access for acquiring information and communicating, having access to a computer can affect whether people are successful in school or in their careers. By offering inexpensive access to computers, the Internet, and printers, Internet cafes provide an equitable solution to the uneven playing field based on socioeconomic status.

Illegal Activity

The anonymity of Internet cafe ISPs can encourage illegal activity, including looking at child pornography and hacking. Users also frequently engage in file sharing, downloading or uploading copyrighted material. When the identity of Internet cafe users isn't recorded, the responsibility rests with the cafe itself to restrict access to illegal material or monitor online activity. In addition, the cafe must make sure to delete user material and information stored in the web browser's caches, to ensure privacy is maintained between users. India has created guidelines for its cyber cafes that include recommending webcam photos be taken of all users and stored along with records of accessed websites, mail server logs, and proxy server installations for at least a year.

Age-Appropriate Material

Many games and much of web content - including violent content or pornography - is not appropriate for all ages. Internet cafe owners either must check ID cards and restrict computer content to minors, or they must deny underage individuals entry if they seek to use the facility without a parent being present.

Environmental Concerns

Operating an Internet cafe can have negative implications for the environment. When old technology is replaced, the business should make sure its computers, printers, and ink cartridges are properly recycled. In addition, cafes should ensure that the computers are put to sleep or even shut down when not in use to save electricity.

Tags: Internet cafe, cafe owners, computer access, encourage illegal, encourage illegal activity